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Welcome to Southern Idaho Minsitries. Here, you'll find Ministries within the Network designed to meet the needs of our community. We offer Ministries specifically tailored for Men, Women, Youth, and Children, ensuring that each individual can find a place to connect and grow in their Faith.

If you change a man, his family will change, too; then his church; and then his community. But it starts with a man, and every man needs to be discipled.

The Southern Idaho Women’s Ministry (a.k.a Thrive Ministries) provides opportunities for women to connect with one another, grow in their relationship with God, and discover their God-given purpose!

Awakening the next generations of leaders and raising up a generation for the church of tomorrow. Evangelize, Disciple and release this generation to be the leaders for many generations to come.

Royal Rangers is a mentoring program for future men. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. 

Girls Ministries is a church-based discipleship program with one simple goal:  To teach girls to know God and understand who they are in Him.

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